Lilacs for my mother

I wished I were with both my mother and my son today but I am alone, somewhere in Europe between Los Angeles and Tehran…

I would have offered my mother some lilacs and a fabulous view,

and walked with her under the ubiquitous wisterias and admired all the pansies.

We love our mothers for all the stories they told us when we were children,

all the books they read to us,

food (tahdig) they’ve made us:

let’s not forget the clothes,

and things they kept from the time we were babies,

I would have loved to share a meal with my mother and my son today,

or at least a cup of tea.

I would have offered her a perfume with the scent of spring flowers,

and bought her a hat,

because mothers have to wear different hats in bringing up their children!

We love them and should let them know;  as I am sitting in front of my computer, I dedicate this post to my mother and yours,

because they have loved us with all their might…

Happy mother’s day.

12 thoughts on “Lilacs for my mother

  1. Dear Michele

    Beautiful & deeply Poetic thoughts ..

    We look at the world once, in childhood. The rest is memory.

    — Louise Glück

  2. Happy mother’s day to you.

    I enjoy the fresh writings.

    It feels like the 17 year old in you is talking writing & creating.

    Keep up the good work & be the butterfly who takes all of us to different flowers with your words and pics.

  3. Votre sensibilité est telle que je suis en totale empathie avec vous…
    Fete des Mères dans certains pays hier, effectivement.
    Votre relation à votre maman…et votre fils , ainsi que vous les esquissez, exprimez …donnent à réfléchir.
    je vous rejoins sur cette forte relation.
    Mais la distance a t elle un sens lorsqu’elle est simplement, banalement “géographique”…

  4. میشل عزیز،
    همیشه وقتی عکسهات رو میبینم حس عجیبی از احساس ومهربونی در من ایجاد میشه. عکسهات و جملاتی که میذاری کاملاً بجا و درست هستن، نه کم، نه زیاد. این آخری هم همین طور، الآن میخوام پاشم برم مامانمو بغل کنم و ببوسمش، صبح بغلش کردم ولی نبوسیدمش

    مرسی گلم، سربلند باشی

  5. Beautiful images. It is not where we are, it is the ones we carry in our heart that matters most.

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