Warm, sunny nights – cool, cloudy days

I love California’s warm summer nights and winter days. If I could have a custom made climate, I would ask for warm summer nights of Los Angeles infused with the scent of jasmine and orange blossoms and cool, cloudy winter days.

hotel window michele roohani

In other words I would take the best of both seasons. With the way the “custom made” world is progressing, I wouldn’t be surprised if one of these days my wish comes true.

hotel window shadow michele roohani

I took these pictures in a small hotel in Paris with these typical windows with fake Parisian balconies and cheap curtains. It was magical though – something in the quiet of a curtain’s movement in the breeze reminds us of less noisy times, less hurried lives, less superficial connections…

Marie-ancolie Romanet’s angel

It’s highly unusual for me to add something to a post once it’s been published but Marie-ancolie romanet, my photographer friend, asked me to add this picture of hers that goes with her comments. Check out her site, she has superb images…

10 thoughts on “Warm, sunny nights – cool, cloudy days

  1. Ces ballustrades en fer forge, rapellent ces temps ou etre maitre forgeron etait un statut social. Et puis deviner ces ombres epouser les ondulations de rideaux flottant sous la pousse de brises nocturnes. Merci, Michele, de capturer ces instant qui stimulent des reve de douceurs, de mouvements dont l’elegance illumine le visage de joie.

  2. Today

    If ever there were a spring day so perfect,
    so uplifted by a warm intermittent breeze

    that it made you want to throw
    open all the windows in the house

    and unlatch the door to the canary’s cage,
    indeed, rip the little door from its jamb,

    a day when the cool brick paths
    and the garden bursting with peonies

    seemed so etched in sunlight
    that you felt like taking

    a hammer to the glass paperweight
    on the living room end table,

    releasing the inhabitants
    from their snow-covered cottage

    so they could walk out,
    holding hands and squinting

    into this larger dome of blue and white,
    well, today is just that kind of day.

    by Billy Collins

  3. Vos images et vos paroles m’ont immédiatement transportée dans un univers de rêve et de souhaits.

    Une douce chanson française disait en son temps :
    “un oranger sur le sol irlandais,
    on ne le verra jamais,
    un jour de neige embaumé de lilas,
    jamais on ne le verra”….
    c’était en 1959..
    Et pourtant sur notre lilas, nous avons eu de la neige l’année dernière…
    Tout change. Nos souhaits, même les plus fous se réalisent…. Les verrons-nous .. ces réalités ??
    Who knows ????

  4. Marie,
    je voudrais vous remercier pour votre texte si touchant, et vous dire encore que ces lilas qui défient l’ordre naturel, et qui en cela sont exceptionnelle; et que tout comme la ténacité, ou peux être persistance, ou tout simplement la passion qui célèbre les couleurs de joie ne laissent la neige interrompre l’épanouissements de ses saisons d’amour.
    Abner Bagdadi

  5. Bonjour Abner,

    Je suis très touchée par vos paroles.
    Je crois beaucoup en l’amour de la nature, je crois en ces jours où le lilas peut éclore sous la neige, je crois en l’âme et en la bonté qui est en chacun de nous. J’ai réfléchi longtemps à une phrase qui pourrait me représenter. Je l’ai (enfin) trouvée. Elle mérite d’être affinée sûrement, mais je vous la livre ainsi:

    “Un baiser est un cadeau, un sourire est un trésor, et partager est ma façon de vivre”.

    and for those who don’t speak french, here is the sentence representing myself the best.
    “A kiss is a gift, a smile is a treasure, and to share is my way of living”

    Merci beaucoup.
    Blessings to all of you, and thank you michèle.

  6. Only if we could have the best of both worlds, all our problems would go away. I find myself fancy such thoughts more often than I’d like to admit. I want San Diego weather and New York’s urban vibe, or I like rich food, but I hate the guilt! Unfortunately, such exercise is no different than imagining meaningful shadows cast on a tool curtain over a window (anybody else saw the fish head? 😉
    Thomas More’s Utopia didn’t account for an inherent human need, the need for conflict. It’s our quintessential folly that we subconsciously infuse conflict into all aspects of our lives, especially in those areas where it’s needed the least. Even when we have things in order, we tend to ruin this basic order in spirit of boredom, finding the necessity to change that which should be left alone. It’s well established that a life of privilege and abundance can become boring – one reason those with fulfilled basic needs develop strange rituals called sophistications. These activities keep the wondering mind busy!

    So the best of both worlds may be another fantastic way we impose conflicts in our lives. We ask for conflict as though we need it. And that may be a good thing; because the very conflict we impose on ourselves fills our life full of purpose. Imagine if all cavemen were happy with the order they had mastered, where would we be now? Certainly not blogging about their decision to avoid the conflict of new ideas, dreams, and remote possibilities. : )

  7. Love your blogs and beautiful photos.
    Have you ever thought of making calendars out of your gorgous photos especially the ones from Iran? I am desperately looking for desk-calendars with pictures of Iran for myself and as gifts to my friends.

  8. Salut Avner! §a fait un bon bout de temps qu’on ne s’entend pas! Comment vas tu ? et Mireille?
    Quels beaux poemes ; quel romantisme!!!!!! WOWDonne moi de tes nouvelles

  9. Salut Marie
    Tres Tres Tres longtemps = depuis Clemenceau!!!!
    Merci de me donner de tes nouvelleset tes contacts si possible

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