for somebody who orders a wimpy decaf/nonfat/soy latte in a los angeles starbucks and comes originally from a tea/chai drinking part of the world, it is interesting that i am fascinated by coffee cultures of the world . i love the smell of fresh ground coffee especially if it’s mixed with some french waiter’s shout accross the caf
Author Archives: Michele
Paris, Fontainebleau
i am in paris since may 10th in a rather unusal neighborhood (for me): 100 meters from the eiffel tower! call me a snob but i like to see the tower from afar; i see much to my surprise that i like it upclose too.
i went to musée du quai branly on friday – the maven of “cultural diversity” – the collections were not to my taste but jean nouvel‘s architecture was sublime.
saturday was spent on my first visit to fontainebleau; coming from southern california, i always forget how densely green western europe is; i love the myriad shades of green – much to my delight, i discovered a poppy field and got a bit nostlagique (i haven’t seen a red poppy since i left my country in 79).
the château itself was very impressive but i still prefer the one in chantilly.
paris is a great walking city, day or night…
“Only barbarians are not curious about where they come from, how they came to be where they are, where they appear to be going, whether they wish to go there, and if so, why, and if not, why not.” Isaiah Berlin