Halloween in Darfur

Living in the 21st century and exposed to Darfur and Iraq via our television sets, nothing can scare us anymore. Hannibal Lecter opens his victim’s head and eats his brain alive and I remember that instead of being revolted, I smiled at the stupidity/absurdity of the scene – unlike the Exorcist, the horror film masterpiece, that kept me awake for a few nights, 25 years ago…

zombies halloween skulls

Walking in my neighborhood, I can tell which houses have kids – they are usually meticulously decorated.

The haunted house

Halloween originated in Ireland and October 31st was perceived as the night during which the division between the world of the living and the dead is blurred hence having jack-o-lanterns (made of pumpkins, turnips or beets) to scare the evil spirits away. Tomorrow night, children (and adults) will dress up as scary creatures: ghosts, ghouls, zombies, witches, and goblins – Harry Potter galore…

pumpkin, halloween, october


The picture below is my last year’s crop.

Hungry Jack-o-lanterns

Sex, Sex, Sex…

Now that i have your attention, I have an important announcement: you can buy many of my images from this fabulous site. You can get them as cards, mounted prints, canvas prints, even framed. My major posters are still being sold on all the “art” sites of course.

man, woman, lust, sexy, desire, tattoo, trenchcoa,t love

I have been waiting to get more of my images on redbubble but I think that it’s time to tell my friends about it; I will be adding to the batch little by little.

The models here are the beautiful Joey House, House of Petals‘ owner/actress and a friend, Mark.

man, woman, sexy, desire, love, tatoo, lust, intimate

“I can resist everything except temptation.” Oscar Wilde

man, woman, sexy, desire, voyeur, love, lust, intimate, tattoo

The new Ang Lee film, Lust Caution, was released last friday and the NC17 rating is already making it more important than it really is. NY Times article made me want to see it. When it comes to TV, the HBO’s “tell me you love me” is an example of unnecessary, gratuitous sex shown on screen. I really don’t need to see Jane Alexander in an oral sex scene but that’s just me…


Emile Cioran (who later repudiated his fascist past) wrote in his book trouble with being born that “Man is a robot with defects”. Westwood, california, was invaded last week by “Robots in Disguise”; five movie theaters (yes i said five) in westwood were getting ready at 9:00 am to welcome the Transformers that night. i looked up from my newspaper in a coffee shop and started to smile seeing the huge robot across the street from me.


i’ve always had a soft spot for robots, friendly or not – i still remember doctor smith bickering with the robot in the “Lost in Space” episodes. being a trekkie (and in love with Spock for my entire 5th and 6th grade), Data has been on top of the list but who can forget the Borg?



i took some pictures in a hurry before they could disappear – which they did the very next day after a night of red carpet fun. only in hollywood…


“Let’s start with the three fundamental Rules of Robotics…. We have: one, a robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. Two, a robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. And three, a robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.”

ISAAC ASIMOV, Astounding Science Fiction, Mar. 1942